
Wednesday, January 14, 2004

[a. OF. dissimulation (12th c. in Hatz.-Darm.), ad. L. dissimultin-em, n. of action from dissimulre: see DISSIMULE.]

1. The action of dissimulating or dissembling; concealment of what really is, under a feigned semblance of something different; feigning, hypocrisy.

[a. F. chicanerie, in Littré the earliest exemplified member of the group, implying however the existence of the vb. chicaner and n. chicaneur as its source: see -ERY. Formerly more completely anglicized as chicanry.]

1. Legal trickery, pettifogging, abuse of legal forms; the use of subterfuge and trickery in debate or action; quibbling, sophistry, trickery.

sophistry, n.
[a. OF. sophistrie (mod.F. sophisterie, = Sp., It. sofisteria), or ad. med.L. sophistria: see SOPHIST and -RY.]

1. Specious but fallacious reasoning; employment of arguments which are intentionally deceptive.

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